Monday, February 9, 2009

Still blogging

I've gotten some comments from friends about not maintaining my blog. Truth be told, there just hasn't been time.

Oh well. Thoughts currently on my mind include four graphics projects due Friday and Jerk proofs on Sunday. No complaints. I just finished a character study, one of my assignments due Friday. We had to choose a single character in any font to serve as our "typographical self-portrait," as Shay-Tay calls it. (Yes I did link to my professor, but if you knew her you'd understand why. She's great.)

I chose the letter Q from the beautiful typeface Baskerville. It was created in 1757 as a transitional serif font. Usually I'm not much into serif fonts because of their lack of versatility as modern display print, but I think this is such a beautiful letter I couldn't help myself. The tail of a Q is one of the first things designers look at when identifying fonts. Because of its uniqueness, I chose it as my self-portrait. Plus, the letter "Q" makes a great sound when you say it. It can be challenging... kind of like the "Ca" in my name, right? Below is what I've done so far. I designed a background in Photoshop using a million layers but I think it fits. Transition of old typeface yet the new grunge background. I'm somewhere in the middle.

Let me know your thoughts!

I'll be posting some ideas for a project I'm doing for "leave behinds" in the next couple of days. I promise it won't take me a month again.

Anyway, here's a nice picture I found while surfing that I adore. Amen sister friend.