Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why Don't You Blog About It!?

Welcome to the new blog!

The title of this first post has some sentimental value. I now have a blog all my own, and all grown up. I once joked about sharing intimate details in the form of a blog roughly two years ago (an eternity in college life). Now I'm taking myself up on my own offer. The freedom of not having to blog for a grade after the end of last semester's typography class has made me realize how much I miss writing my weekly entry about all things graphics... and checking up on the blog world in general. So here it is ladies and gents! My first "real person" blog where I can share anything with you -mostly graphics, duh- and where I can taunt you with my ramblings. In addition to this little blog, I plan on having a website finished in the next month, so I'd like to use this as an interface for suggestions and input on the design of that as well. So keep checking back and I'll keep you posted, and I'll even "blog about it." Thanks for stopping by!

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